Thursday, May 2, 2013

Feeding the spirit

Life has a way for kicking you on your ass.  Like a garden left and unattended, weeds take over and eventually overruns the garden.  My life has been over the past year, much like a garden overrun with weeds, yet there has been enormous strides in clearing the weeds from my inner garden.  Of course like anything else in life, once we start getting on track, something always throws a wrench in the middle of everything and sort makes a mess to be cleared up.

Recently someone came back into my life after 42 years and sort of opened my eyes and I started to realize that I have been suppressing a huge part of my being.  Now I find myself trying to figure out what I am suppose to do that is the right thing for me and what path or direction I need to go in my life.

It seems to always be something.  But one thing is for sure, life is not boring and the universe certainly seems to give you a lesson in what you need.

What I do know is I need to nurture myself and accept nurturing from others.  Like a garden needs nutrients, so does the soul and the spirit.  Who will nurture me?

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